Our Fall semester was filled with numerous speakers who were kind to take their time to come and speak to our members. They offer the club advice and guidance for all those interested.
We started out with our first guest speaker, Michael Sieu who is an Environmental Case Worker for the Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He came and give an update to the new Immigration and Citizenship laws, rules and regulations. If anyone is interested in contacting him his number is (562) 433-2490.
Later in the semester we invited other guest speakers. Among them were two Cambodian Attorneys.

Both attorneys were from the same law office, Thierry Lo (top left) and Vithara Tan (right middle). They gave very useful and informative lectures which inspired and motivated our members to view that there is hope. They stress that anything is possible as long as we stick and work toward our goals. Vithara Tan told us how hard it was to get where they are now. Thierry Lo gave us an insight to his situation about how he became a lawyer. Both the lawyers gave advice and encouraged everyone not to give up and continue working hard toward our goals. They even supported us further with their generous donations to the club. If anyone would like to contact Thierry Lo call (562) 901-4945 or Vithara Tan call (562) 901-4862.
All the speakers last semester sacrificed their time to come and speak for us. We would like thank them for taking the time to come and speak.
By Roeun Chin CSS Secretary