
Voice your opinions and views

  Volume I Issue III    Perspective    February,1999

  CSS Christmas Party

    The Christmas party which was held on December 18, 1998 at La Lune restaurant was a huge success. Approximately 300 people showed up. As a result, CSS had to order five more tables in addition to 25 reserved tables. Besides CSS's own ethnic group, CSS was extremely happy seeing guests of different but distinct races showing up at the party; they had provided the party with a cross-cultural environment. At the party, CSS's second issue of the newsletter were being passed out to our guests. Raffle tickets were sold with four prizes to win from; the big finale was a grandpa clock. Moreover, we had live band and DJ, thanks to Nevada.. Everyone was observed having fun dancing and socializing with each other.

One of our members, Mao, is having fun. (in green shirt)

Without the support from individuals, this event would not be successful. Therefore, CSS would like to thank all donors for their generous supports to CSS. Thanks to all guests for making this event possible. Moreover, thanks to the entire CSS members help and volunteers who put together hard work, dedication and commitment that is greatly appreciated. After calculating all expenses, CSS profited over $1000 out of the Christmas party and part of this fund goes into providing scholarships awarded to individuals who win the CSS essay contest.

   Chhoun Sen, Vice President


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Newsletter Webbed by Pok Khem with permission from Steve Vibol Ouch.

Copyright © 1998 Cambodian Student Society of California State University, Long Beach. All rights reserved.